Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Introduction to Art Inspired Flash Fiction

From time to time, in writing workshops and classes, or in circles of writers, for writing contests, or even in board games (Dixit), I've seen the idea proposed that, as a creative exercise, someone can, or should, write fiction based on inspiration from an image. There've been a number of times that I've tried it and liked it a lot -- some of my best writing has come of it. 

To that end, I've decided to post here, every day, with an image that I used as inspiration, anything else in the artist's description that inspired me, the artist's name, the associated copyright, and a link to something relevant to help the artist and/or copyright holder out. 

I hope to, at least at start, use Magic: The Gathering cards as inspiration quite a bit, doing them on Tuesdays,  and Thursdays, and search Deviantart for something inspiring on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the weekend I'll try to build up a backlog. If you're the artist and you want the picture taken down, please say so, though I'll make an effort to get permission. If you want me to use your picture, I'd love it if you'd get me a copy. 

Thanks for coming! I hope you find something you like!

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